Where the Magic Begins!
Come join the Society of Young Magicians (SYM) and learn magic. The Magic Dove SYM Assembly #Y143 welcomes children and youth ages 7-17 to visit our magic club and see what magic has to offer. You can visit the club twice without joining the club. You can visit magicsym.com to learn more about this organization that started in 1902. Magic Dove’s assembly was officially chartered on July 23, 2012, and had the honor of having many famous magicians sign the charter, including the world-famous David Copperfield. The club meets at Magic Dove Magic Shop on Fridays from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Mentoring Young Magicians
The Ron Ulmer Society of American Magicians (SAM) Assembly #279 (charted on July 4, 2002) also meets at Magic Dove Magic Shop. Ron Ulmer first met Dr. Dan when Ron was 90 years old. Because of their shared passion for mentoring young magicians and adults who were just starting in magic, they immediately formed a strong bond. Since Ron’s death, Dr. Dan has prioritized mentoring as a top priority as president of this club. All skill levels are welcomed. World-famous magician, John Calvert, is a chartered member of this assembly. The club meets every first Saturday from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM.